An abdominal Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes your uterus through an incision in your lower abdomen. A partial Hysterectomy removes just the uterus, leaving the cervix intact. A total Hysterectomy removes the uterus and the cervix.Vaginal Hysterectomy is an alternative surgical procedure to abdominal Hysterectomy.
In this procedure, the uterus is removed through the vagina rather than through the incision in the abdomen. Recovery in vaginal Hysterectomy is much faster than abdominal Hysterectomy. You can return to your daily activities within a few weeks after the surgery.
The most common reason Hysterectomy is performed is for uterine fibroids.
Other common reasons are:
Uterine fibroids
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Cervical dysplasia
Urerine prolapse
Uterine fibroids
Uterine prolapse
Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Chronic pelvic pain
Adenomyosis, or a thickening of the uterus
Risks If Condition Persists
There is a slight chance that problems may occur
Complications may include infection, blood loss, blood clot usually in the leg vein or damage to the nearby organs in the abdomen and pelvic region such as urinary bladder, ureter or bowel.
About Treatment at Pelvinic
At Pelvinic, we perform a specialised Hysterectomy Treatment for treating Hysterectomy. Here are some advantages of our Hysterectomy Treatment over the Traditional Surgical Procedure.
Less Pain
Our Hysterectomy Treatment is Painless, compared to Open surgery procedure which is painful.
No tissue damage
Our Hysterectomy Treatment cause minimal cuts and wounds compared to Open surgery causes which causes cuts and wounds
No Diet Restrictions
Our Hysterectomy Treatment doesn't cause cuts and wounds compared to Open surgery causes which causes cuts and wounds
Fast Recovery
Can resume work immediatly
Minimally Invasive
Our Hysterectomy Treatment is minimally invasive compared to open surgery for which its large
No Rest Required
Go back to a normal routine within 2 to 4 days.
Our Team of Dedicated Doctors
Select City :
Dr. Sandip Banerjee
Dr. Meenakshi Banerjee
Dr Akshat Wahal
Dr Ashutosh Chauhan
MS, DNB (Surg), DNB( Surg Onco), MNAMS
Dr Abhay Singh
MBBS, MD - General Medicine, Gastroenterologist
Dr Saurav Mohan
MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia)
Dr Rahul Bhatt
Dr Sandeep Kumar
Dr. Arnab Mohanty
Patient Testimonials
“Dr. Sandip diagnosed my medical Condition clearly and above all, gave the courage and filled me with confidence to go through the surgery.”
Treatment Procedure for Hysterectomy
Our healthcare provider will explain the procedure in detail, including possible complications and side effects. In addition some tests also include:
1. Cervical cytology (Pap test), which detects the presence of abnormal cervical cells or cervical cancer
2. Endometrial biopsy, which detects abnormal cells in the uterine lining or endometrial cancer
3. Pelvic ultrasound, which may show the size of uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps or ovarian cysts
A premenopausal (still having regular menstrual periods) woman whose uterine fibroids are causing bleeding but no pain is generally first offered medical therapy with hormones. Non-hormonal treatments are also available, such as tranexamic acid and more moderate surgical procedures, such as ablations (removal of the lining of the uterus).
If she still has significant bleeding that causes major impairment to her daily life, or the bleeding continues to cause anemia (low red blood cell count due to blood loss), and she has no abnormality on endometrial sampling, she may be considered for a Hysterectomy.
An anesthesiologist will give you General anesthesia in which you will not be awake during the procedure. The surgeon removes the uterus through an incision in your abdomen or vagina. The method used during surgery depends on why you need the surgery and the results of your pelvic exam.
During a vaginal Hysterectomy, some doctors use a laparoscope (a procedure called laparoscopically assisted vaginal Hysterectomy or LAVH) to help them view the uterus and perform the surgery.
A laparoscope with advanced instruments can also be used to perform Hysterectomy completely through tiny incisions (total or supracervical laparoscopic Hysterectomy)
After your Hysterectomy, you’ll need to spend day or two in the hospital. You may take over the counter pain killers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen if needed for mild cramps. Medicines are prescribed for pain and to prevent infection. When you return home from the hospital, Eat well balanced diet, including fruit, vegetables and plenty of fluids to avoid constipation. it’s important to continue walking, increase the length of walk each day. If you’ve had a vaginal or laparoscopic Hysterectomy, you’ll probably be able to return to most of your regular activities within three to four weeks.
Recovery time will be a little longer if you’ve had an abdominal Hysterectomy. You should be completely healed in about four to six weeks. Most women are told to abstain from sex and avoid lifting heavy objects for six weeks after Hysterectomy. Bleeding from the vagina is normal and will last for a few weeks after the surgery. Use of sanitary pads should be preferred as tampons increase the risk of infection. You will not have periods and cannot conceive after the vaginal Hysterectomy. If ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed along with uterus in vaginal Hysterectomy you may have vaginal dryness or hot flashes, the symptoms of menopause. These may be treated with medicines. After a Hysterectomy, the vast majority of women surveyed feel the operation was successful at improving or curing their main problem (for example, pain or heavy periods). Incase of total Hysterectomy patient will no longer need cervical smear test but if partial Hysterectomy patient will need to continue to have cervical smear test.
Why Pelvinic
Pelvinic - The Pelvic Floor Clinic, is a Laparoscopy specialty center. We offer treatment and cure for diseases in the pelvic area under one roof. Treatment is done by our experienced doctors using latest technologies at a very affordable cost.
COVID-19 Safe
We have taken all safety measures to combat Covid-19.
Patient Care
We strive to provide a home-like environment and the best treatments for our patients for quick recovery.
Award Winning Doctors
PELVINIC’s success is recognized by many awards from the various organizations national & international.
Advanced Facilities
We use the latest technology and medical equipment in patient care that helps the doctors diagnose diseases and treat patients effectively and efficiently.
Highly skilled surgeons. Our doctors have a vast experience of over 50000 surgeries.
Cost Effective
50% more cost effective than corporate hospitals.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Hysterectomy is the surgery removal of the uterus. It is a major surgery, but with new technological advances, the discomfort, risk of infection and recovery time has all been decreased.
A Hysterectomy removes only the uterus,or the uterus and cervix .This procedure leaves the ovaries intact, and should not induce menopause. Menopause begins when the ovaries are removed or when they no longer produce estrogen.
A hysterectomy can improve your quality of life. For some women, the procedure stops heavy bleeding and relieves pain for good. Others have the
surgery to prevent or treat cancer.
It's incredibly unlikely that a Doctor will perform a hysterectomy on women age 18 to 35 unless it is absolutely necessary for their well -being and no other options will suffice.
While a hysterectomy isn't directly linked to weight loss, it may be related to weight gain in some people. A 2009 prospective study suggests that premenopausal women who've had a hysterectomy without the removal of both ovaries have a higher risk for weight gain, compared with women who haven't had the surgery.
Hysterectomy. The uterus is surgically removed with or without other organs or tissue. In a total hysterectomy, the uterus and cervix are removed. In a radical hysterectomy, the uterus, cervix, both ovaries, both fallopian tubes, and near by tissue are removed.
It include : heavy periods- which can be caused by fibroid. Pelvic pain- which may be caused by endometriosis, unsuccessfully treated pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), adenomyosis or fibroids. Prolapse of the uterus.
While most women don't have health problems during or after the surgery, risks may include :
.Injury to nearby organs.
.Anesthesia problems,
such as breathing or heart problems.
Blood clots in the legs or lungs.
Heavy bleeding.
Early menopause, if the ovaries are removed.
Pain during sexual intercourse.
A partial hysterectomy removes your uterus, and a total hysterectomy removes your uterus and cervix. Both procedure Leave your ovaries intact, so you can still develop ovarian cancer. Total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy .... This makes ovarian cancer less likely to occur, but it does not remove all risk.
A laparoscopic hysterectomy requires only a few small incisions, compared to a traditional abdominal hysterectomy which is done through a 3-6 inch incision. As a result, there is less blood loss, less scarring and less post-operative pain. A laparoscopic hysterectomy is usually done as an outpatient procedure whereas an abdominal hysterectomy usually requires a 1-2 day hospital stay. The recovery period for this laparoscopic procedure is 1-2 weeks, compared to 4-6 weeks after an abdominal hysterectomy. The risks of blood loss and infection are lower with laparoscopic hysterectomy than with an abdominal hysterectomy. In experienced hands, laparoscopic hysterectomy takes about the same length of time as an abdominal hysterectomy and involves no greater risk.
The surgeon may have the patient see their primary care doctor prior to surgery to
make sure there are no medical conditions that may cause a problem with the surgery.
There will be a pre-operative appointment prior to the day of surgery which will include a
history and physical examination, blood samples, and a visit w a member of the
anesthesia department. Patients should not eat or drink anything after midnight on the
night before surgery.
The majority of our patients go home the same day as their surgery. The recovery
period for this laparoscopic procedure is 1-2 weeks, compared to 4-6 weeks after an
abdominal hysterectomy.