These days’ people are adapted to unhealthy eating habits with zero physical activity resulting in weight gain, stress and anxiety. Of the vast list of diseases rising rapidly due to obesity and physical inactivity, one of the most notorious problems noticed are anorectal disorders. The word ‘Anorectal’ is related to anus and rectum, which are responsible for excreting waste from our body. The most usual problems people encounter are piles, fissures and fistula in ano which bring upon extreme pain and discomfort affecting the routine life of people.
Piles, fissures and fistula present with alike symptoms like pain or bleeding while passing a stool which is usually ignored or misinterpreted. It is therefore necessary to understand the symptoms and causes to differentiate between them in order to receive appropriate treatment on time.
Treatment options
Since most surgical options are painful, patients are fretted. Laser surgery has become quite popular option for piles, fissure and fistula in ano treatment and is a big relief to patients. Laser surgery is an outpatient treatment giving promising results with no side effects. Benefits of laser surgery include—
Self-care tips for prevention
Choosing the right treatment option is essential. Pelvinic hospital offers state-of-art surgical treatment of piles, fissures and anal fistula. It is headed by Dr. Sandip Banerjee, an eminent colorectal surgeon, who aims to deliver safe, painless surgical treatment at affordable cost. For his dedication and best practice, he owns the dignity of being the best proctologist in India and Delhi.